We've all been there. Some of us love them (me) and some of us hate them. Personally, there's nothing better than windows down, good music and good people to share the trip with. But, we all know that person who can ruin a road trip in a hurry.
I give you, the 5 worst kind of interstate drivers.
1. The leech
Leeches - who likes them? Nobody! But that is exactly what some people turn into on the road. They are the worst at night. They sit behind you; headlights shining in your mirrors. They don't try to pass or back off your tail. They just sit and suck the vision out of your eyes. They don't want the ticket, so they let you take the lead. Finally, someone comes along faster than you and the leech finds new prey to latch on to.
2. The slooooow log
I actually have respect for truckers. Seriously. They keep America running. I have a friend who was a driver for a long time. But seriously, if it takes you 2 miles to pass another 18 wheeler, we've got problems. There is a line behind you longer than Lohan's arrest record bro. Get a move on it, pass your fellow trucker and let the rest of us get by.
3. The camper
Listen, let me just clear the air. Not everyone belongs in the fast lane. I'm talking to you Mr. I drive below the speed limit. Don't be the person who sits in the left lane and NEVER moves. Don't ever be that person. If you don't know the difference between the gas and brake pedal, do us all a favor and sit in the right lane and figure it out.
4. Joe Cool
He thinks he is the coolest guy on the road. Shades on, extra loud muffler to drown out his bumping subs in his trunk with a car that sits 3 inches of the road. He comes up behind you and rides your butt until you let him pass. He completes it all by glaring at you as he passes by. Unless you happen to be an attractive female. Then he checks you out and puts on the cool vibe. Joe Cool the creep; no lady is impressed. There's a reason this guy is always riding solo.
5. Moms
You know her. You've seen her. She drives a trendy, cool SUV. She is in her 30's or 40's and always on her phone. Always. Who do you talk to for so long? The mom in the SUV behind you? Problem is, because you are on your phone you forget how to drive. You are so absorbed in your call you forget about the other people on the road. And when I honk at you to get out of my way, you glare at me like I have the problem or worse, wave like I just called you a queen. Keep on talking momma, keep on talking.
What did I miss? Who have I overlooked? Feel free to share some of the people on your list.
Riding shotgun,
I would add "The Frog." Called such because they keep playing leap frog with you. You pass them, they pass you and then slow down, so you pass them again, etc., etc., etc.... Drives me crazy.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great addition. They drive me nuts too. I start a point system with those drivers.