Thursday, November 1, 2012

I know I know, I'm a missionary in Uganda-why am I posting about the NYC marathon? Because it matters to me. So, if you are expecting an update from here, sorry to disappoint. This is my personal opinion about whether or not the NYC marathon should or should not be cancelled in light of Sandy. Here we go:
First, let me say I live in Uganda now. I don't have 24/7 internet access and videos are really slow to load over here. So I don't know how bad the damage really is and I'm not as up to date as everyone reading this post. I'm not as informed.
But, yes the NYC marathon absolutely needs to go on. I saw on ESPN today an article blasting the NYC governor for keeping the race. Unfortunately in today's world, sports equal entertainment. And let's be honest, a group of people running for hours is as boring as sports gets for everyone outside the running world. So it's easy for the general public to say the race isn't important, distracts from what's really important etc. But, you watch those who cross the finish line and tell me it's not a moving experience. Tell me it doesn't make you want to go buy a pair of Brooks? Tell me it doesn't make you wish you enjoyed running so you could do that too.
Question for you - You think the NY Giants are going to play on Sunday? That's a resounding yes. Guess what day the race is? Yup, Sunday. So why is it acceptable and encouraged for one sporting event to go on and not the other?
Commentators will laud the Giants for playing and uniting the city again and giving people a sense of hope and something to look forward to and believe in. The marathon would do the exact same thing! And to a group of people the NFL will never reach. Why not give the city more reason to hope? NYC marathon is elite, one of the best in the world. Give the citizens of NYC a chance to see others living out their dreams and triumphing over incredible odds to reach the finish line. Isn't that exactly what the city needs?
45,000 people (I know, not all will show up and race) are signed up to race. So what if only 20,000 show up? 10,000?  I don't know about you, but when I see one person living out their dream it is enough to inspire me.
Runners are real athletes too. And just because no one cares about what we do doesn't mean this race isn't important to us. It is. Very important. Some people have trained for years just for this race. I'm halfway around the world and it's important to me.
Don't give in to the double standard. If the Giants are applauded for playing in honor of those affected by Sandy, then the race gets it's due too.
I know it's a logistical nightmare and the police have other jobs to do. I know, most of the runners aren't from NYC like the Giants players are so they aren't affected in the same way. I know a lot of people think the police/volunteers could be used in better ways. I hear all those points and they are valid. I'm not going to argue them.
The city needs hope and something to distract them from their present situation. Thousands of people will go to a stadium and cheer for their favorite NFL team. Thousands more need a chance to stand and cheer on Sunday.
The NYC marathon is free. It is an event where people are pushed to the limit, their mind is telling them to quit and their bodies are breaking down...but they overcome and triumph.
Sounds like a great lesson for NYC right now.

Love it? Hate it? Think I'm crazy and need to keep my mouth shut? I'd love to hear your comments.

On the up and up,