Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My great friends Michael and Rae Bartlett and Conner Moore dropped me off in Knoxville today to begin my journey to Uganda, Africa. If you are new to the game, I'm doing missionary work until June 2013. The last 10 days I have constantly been in great community with people who love me that want to spend time with me before I leave. It's been great. I got stuffed with lots of great food because everyone wanted to "fatten me up" before I left and really enjoyed my last days in TN.
Then today. I went through security with my bags. And that's it. No family, friends or church family. No phone to call or text anyone with. Nothing. Just me alone with my thoughts. It was so overwhelming. I sat in the Knoxville airport feeling helpless and very small. I hate to sound like a girl, but that was one of the loneliest moments of my life. The finality of my decision finally hit home. I'm traveling half way around the world by myself to a place where I don't know anyone! It finally sounds wild to me. But, this is my decision. I chose this. And as musical artist Marc Imboden says, following God's call is wild and great. I thought of Paul from the New Testament. How alone must he of felt at times in his life. And though I struggled in that moment, I know you are reading this right now because you care. And besides, If God is for, who can be against us? So, onward I press ready to board a plane to London ready to make a difference. Ready to see life change happen centered around Jesus Christ. I thought my life would start changing when I got to Africa. Turns out, I didn't have to wait too long.



  1. Christian!!

    You are never alone. I know you are aware that God is in you, but also know that hundreds of people are praying and joining you in this journey. Loneliness is humbling, but it is in our alone time that we draw closer to God. Draw close to Him and He will give you the strength to get through this valley. Glynnis and I were talking about you today. We respect you and are so proud of what you are doing. Not every person can do what you are doing. It is a Calling by God and in my heart of hearts I believe you are called to go. Know that we are there, though not in person, but rather in spirit as we pray for you. Love you bro!!

  2. Praying for you my friend! Never forget you have prayers from ALL OVER surrounding you. I love you buddy, you're my hero!!

  3. Isn't it amazing how God works in our lives?! You are on an adventure my friend. An adventure with a purpose. I know that you will go through hardships and trials during this year, but one of these days you will be married, with kids, and you'll look back at this trip and the memories will flood back to you. God bless you Christian!

  4. Praying for you, man. I understand what you mean about feeling alone in those moments---I felt that too when I left for my VIA. The Rambos will make you feel right at home...well, your home away for home. God is going to great things through you!

  5. Welcome to Uganda! We're so glad you're here!
